Thursday, April 1, 2010

Weight Watchers Rocks!!!

I am in week six of my Weight Watcher endeavor and things have been going rather swimmingly actually. I am down 9.8 lbs and truckin' right along. My DF (Dear Fiance) is a great help with keeping my points in perspective. I'm also trying my hand at some new recipes that I am finding myself adding to my collection and weekly menu. For instance, today I baked the most beautiful little almond scones. Delicious! I added slivers of almonds to the Classic Scone recipe on the WW website, and switched the plain yogurt with vanilla yogurt....mmm....tasted like a soft baked muffin with a hint cookie goodness...YUMMY! I had that with some heated up frozen mixed berries and then topped again with a dollop of vanilla yogurt. Holy Moly, I wish I would have taken a picture. I had to look around to see if anyone was watching because I felt guilty eating it! And how many points you may ask? 3pts! Yep, I'm amazing.

On the training front....I made it through about 2 1/2 miles running yesterday. I'm so lucky to live in a community that has their fitness center about a 1 1/4 miles away. I ran there and did 30 minutes on the elliptical for some cross training action. It kicked my butt royally! But I did it and I find my old cardiovascular health starting to heal and become stonger. When I started running again, my heart felt it would burst on one mile! I'm glad I am over that hump and on my way to a healthy lifestyle. All in all, a great day this is turning out to be...I have another WW recipe in the crockpot as we speak, can't wait to let you all know how it turned out!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

New Beginnings

Every diet has a journey right? Some not as long as others, but nonetheless, a journey. Sure, maybe the cabbage soup diet lasted until 10 pm the first day until you found yourself headfirst in a bowl of Chunky Monkey. Or maybe that Atkins thing left you bloated and nauceous because you at just about every meaty, cheesy, bacon-y, morsel you could get your hands on. On these diet quests,  I've waged long and short battles with my diets, defeating and being defeated time and time again. Food has now become this outside source that is neither friend nor foe in my eyes. I feel like it's time for a new beginning. And while I feel  I need to do an overly dramatic refrigerator/pantry purge, that's not where I want to start. I need a new blueprint, an education of food and what it does to my body. My goal is to feel connected to my food, not having it be my solice if I am upset or being my own personal bully if I gain weight. I'm starting from the ground up, literally, and going with more locally grown food, which I can't wait to get my hands on! I also want to explore food obsessions nationally and globally to try to get a handle on the real root of my issues. And lastly, to learn what healthy actually feels like. Yeah, that's sweet to me.