Thursday, April 1, 2010

Weight Watchers Rocks!!!

I am in week six of my Weight Watcher endeavor and things have been going rather swimmingly actually. I am down 9.8 lbs and truckin' right along. My DF (Dear Fiance) is a great help with keeping my points in perspective. I'm also trying my hand at some new recipes that I am finding myself adding to my collection and weekly menu. For instance, today I baked the most beautiful little almond scones. Delicious! I added slivers of almonds to the Classic Scone recipe on the WW website, and switched the plain yogurt with vanilla yogurt....mmm....tasted like a soft baked muffin with a hint cookie goodness...YUMMY! I had that with some heated up frozen mixed berries and then topped again with a dollop of vanilla yogurt. Holy Moly, I wish I would have taken a picture. I had to look around to see if anyone was watching because I felt guilty eating it! And how many points you may ask? 3pts! Yep, I'm amazing.

On the training front....I made it through about 2 1/2 miles running yesterday. I'm so lucky to live in a community that has their fitness center about a 1 1/4 miles away. I ran there and did 30 minutes on the elliptical for some cross training action. It kicked my butt royally! But I did it and I find my old cardiovascular health starting to heal and become stonger. When I started running again, my heart felt it would burst on one mile! I'm glad I am over that hump and on my way to a healthy lifestyle. All in all, a great day this is turning out to be...I have another WW recipe in the crockpot as we speak, can't wait to let you all know how it turned out!